Two Unique Programs

  • Global Connect Expedition

    A comprehensive, 10 week, 20 contact hour program, taught by one of our experts. Through this inquiry and project based program, US students engage with international peers and do authentic work. They delve deeply into cultural similarities and differences, using technology to connect and communicate synchronously and asynchronously.

    Through 20 live one-hour lessons, taught by one of our experts, including 6 synchronous sessions with Chinese peers, students will

    *Understand culture as a concept and wonder about others

    *Learn to ask questions and think openly

    *Examine wonderings and learn to ask better questions

    *Learn about others and move beyond stereotypes

    *Develop relationships and challenge misconceptions

    *Write reflective paragraphs and essays and think analytically

    *Design projects and create meaningful understandings

    *Present projects to an authentic audience and gain confidence

    *Set goals for future learning and become more reflective

    *Grow as global citizens

  • Global Connect Field Trips

    A series of three virtual “Field Trips” facilitated by one of our experts. We provide the background and lesson materials necessary for you to help prepare students for the virtual field trips in which they interact with international peers. In each field trip session, students will delve deeper into their understanding of their own culture as well as that of their international peers. Between virtual “field trips”, guided lesson plans will aid students in asking and answering questions as they gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a global citizen.

    During three 1 hour live virtual field trips, students will

    *Ask questions and think openly

    *Develop relationships and challenge misconceptions

    *Learn about others and move beyond stereotypes

    Background lesson plans guide students to

    *Understand culture as a concept and wonder about others

    *Examine wonderings and ask better questions

    *Write reflective paragraphs and essays and think analytically

    *Set goals for future learning and become more reflective

    *Grow as global citizens

Contact us for Expedition and Field Trip Dates

We want to work with you!
